Pure Finish Mineral Cheek Color ($28.00)

    • Sunkissed Coral


Elizabeth Arden Summer 2011 Collection ~ Bronze in Bloom


Elizabeth Arden Summer 2011 Collection ~ Bronze in Bloom


Pure Finish Mineral Bronzing Powder ($35.00)

Elizabeth Arden Summer 2011 Collection ~ Bronze in Bloom


Color Intrigue Eyeshadow Quad ($30.00)

  • Golden Lilac
  • Blue Breeze

Elizabeth Arden Summer 2011 Collection ~ Bronze in Bloom


Smoky Eyes Powder Pencil ($16.00)

  • Black Violet
  • Blue Sky

Elizabeth Arden Summer 2011 Collection ~ Bronze in Bloom


High Shine Lipgloss ($15.00)

    • Tropicoral


Ceramide Ultra Lipstick ($22.50)

Elizabeth Arden Summer 2011 Collection ~ Bronze in Bloom

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11 thoughts on “Elizabeth Arden Summer 2011 Collection ~ Bronze in Bloom”

  1. Ruž i sjajilo su mu predivni, obožavam takve boje. A i ambalaža mi je krasna, izgleda da najviše na nju “padam” :D

  2. You should post about inexpensive bronzers. The tan months seem to be so short that it’s hard to commit to spending the money on something you won’t need all year around. But the tan months are just long enough that you need one to even things out.

  3. I recently purchased a bronzer from E.L.F. and I love it. The mirror has already come unglued after about five uses, but the product was only $3. As long as the product is good (which it is), for the price I really don’t care about the mirror. You should post on how to use bronzer all year. ;)


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