Soleil Tan de Chanel ($50.00)
- Bronze Corail
- Bronze Rose
Soleil Tan de Chanel ($50.00)
- Sunkissed
Levres Scintillantes Glossimer ($28.50)
- Pensee Coral
- Aurore Peach
- Pink Peony Pink
Le Vernis ($25.00)
- Mimosa Yellow
- Morning Rose Pink
- Beige Petale Beige
Les 4 Ombres / Eyeshadow Quad ($57.00)
- Lilium
Ombres Contraste Duo ($42.00)
- Khaki Discret Khaki
Stylo Yeux Waterproof ($29.00)
- Rose Platine
Rouge Coco ($32.00)
- Sari Dore
- Gardenia
➡️ Prati me na Instagramu!
I’m impressed by the nail polish shade named Beige Petal Beige. It looks amazing on the pic. I wish I could see it on your nails before shopping
Is it possible? 
@beautyteller Unfortunately, I don’t have that nail polish.
Thank you for your reply
I found one swatch today and I have say, the result on nails is not so special. Why? Colour is really sheer. It would be good just for french manicure, I think. However, it looks amazing in the bottle 
I like your blog so I decided to add it to my blogroll. Thanks for all these juicy pictures above. Summer is comming!
@beautyteller That’s too bad… It looks great in the bottle.
Thank you for the kind words.
Sve mi je krasno osim ovog žutog lakića, nisam baš fan žute boje
Nadam se da ću uspjeti posjetiti Chanelov make up studio u Zagrebu, bila bi prava šteta da to propustim, ako sam u pravu imam još vremena do 11 mjeseca 
@Alice U pravu si.
Imaš vremena do 15.11.
Beautiful colors, could you talk about how to contour blush?
@Heather Sure!
Cijene su pretjerane,mogu se lako naći slične nijeanse,po dulpo jeftinjije
Nije u šoldima sve, ali složit ću se sa miom
Tržište je bogato jeftinijim alternativama 
Lakovi su predivni, ja sam si nabavila par duplića kad nisam mogla Chanel
i ja! u Avonu i sjenila i lakovi po uzoru na ove
Ja sam lakiće Catrice
da, istina!
Jesi probala Ctrice lakove?