Iz Biotherma kažu sljedeće:
Ovaj serum u ulju ima revolucionarnu formulu jer kombinira obnavljajuća svojstva ulja sa snažnim djelovanjem seruma. Dok većina ulja ostavlja osjećaj vrućine i masnoće na koži, a serumi se često ne doimaju hranjivima, Serum-in-oil pruža osjećaj svježine, transformira se pod prstima te se savršeno stapa s kožom.
Serum-in-oil posebno je namijenjen za korištenje noću, u cilju postizanja optimalne obnove i nutritivnog djelovanja. Koža smjesta prepoznaje blagotvorno djelovanje ulja koje donosi dubinsku obnovu neposredno po nanošenju. Koži vraća mladolikost i prirodni sjaj, pruža joj baršunastu mekoću te ublažava bore.
Moja opažanja:
Baš kao što je opisano, tekstura ovog proizvoda je negdje između ulja i seruma i kao takva je potpuno jedinstvena. Ne ostavlja masni trag, i bez obzira na njegovu hranjivost, vrlo je lagan na koži.
Dovoljno je tek par kapi seruma za prekrivanje cijelog lica te se koristi samo prije spavanja, stoga zaista može potrajati. Nakon uporabe, vrlo brzo sam primijetila da mi je koža blistavija, zaglađenija i mekša. Miris je božanstven; rekla bih da je to slatka marelica s primjesom naranče.
Navedeno je da Blue Therapy Serum-in-oil značajno smanjuje gubitak vode nakon samo jednog nanošenja, pokazujući svoje zaštitno i obnavljajuće djelovanje na kožu. Ovo moram potvrditi na svom primjeru. Naime, imala sam jednu kratku fazu isušenosti kože. Vidno poboljšanje se vidjelo već nakon prvog korištenja ovog proizvoda, a nakon par noći, koža mi je u potpunosti obnovljena.
Mogu samo zaključiti da sam se totalno zaljubila u ovaj proizvod. Sveopće stanje kože je poboljšano, a poseban pomak primijetila sam po pitanju blistavosti.
Full size proizvod od 30 ml
Uzorak proizvoda od 10 ml
Količina: 30 ml
Cijena: 510 kn
PR uzorak
Kakvim vam se čini ovaj proizvod? Jeste li isprobale neki Biothermov proizvod?
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i havent tried any product from biotherm, but this product is kinda intersting to try, love the packaging as well
Hope you’ll have a chance to try some of their products.
Slušam samo pohvale o ovom serumu, voljela bih probati
Sigurna sam da bi se i tebi svidio.
I ja slušam samo hvalospjeve, nikako uloviti tester no nadam se da ću isprobati uskoro .
Prelijepe fotke
Nadam se da hoćeš. Prve dvije fotke su promo fotke i stvarno su divne. Te su mi bile najljepše.
This might be random…. but I love the colors in the packaging… totally night-like! Besides that, I love biotherm…. so, I must get them
You must!
wooo seems like another good product frm biotherm…
It is.
Nisam nikad ništa od Biotherma probala, a ovaj serum se čini jako dobar. Freak sam za serumima i fluidima i postali su mi neophodni u njezi kože.
I ja ludujem za serumima. Ovaj me je baš oduševio.
volim biotherm-trenutno sam pri zadnjim “kapima” njihovog Aquasource deep seruma koji mi je odličan i nadam se ulovit tester od ovoga jer ga svi hvale
Nadam se da hoćeš, jer je tester stvarno izdašan. Predstavlja čak 1/3 regularnog pakiranja.
baš sad gledam mililitražu i ne mogu vjerovati da je tester tako velik
Da, baš su se raspištoljili.
ooo this sounds so good. i will have to have a look at it in person
How interesting! I’ve never tried this and I love that it doesn’t have a greasy texture – I’ll have to give this a try! <3
You have to try this one out.
Serum-in-oil? Now that’s something new and interesting for me. I’m a big serum fan and also oil so I guess that’s what they call the best of both worlds huh? Biotherm is a brand I’ve never tried surprisingly, will be checking this out if they have it here.
Thanks love
x Donah
Then you have to try it. I’m sure you’ll love it.
I always love hearing about new serums because my hair gets so statick-y. Do you think the retailer will market this product in the U.S., too?
I don’t know, but you can order it online (http://bit.ly/I7zP58).
The packaging is looking great! I really refrain from using serum in my hair as they tend to make my hair look greasy.. but sounds different.. thanks for the review
Actually, this one is made for face, but I’m sure you would love it as well.
Sounds good! I should check this out at their counter soon!
Do check.
Bioterm products are quite good. i like their hydrating series very much.
Me too.
One good thing about serum is that it works faster than a cream! This surely looks like an effective one! How I wish it were available here
You can order it online: http://bit.ly/I7zP58.
Biotherm products are always great, no doubt bout it! I’ve never come across this product in particular, but it sounds promising. =)
Hope you’ll have a chance to try it out.
I’ve already heard about this product and I’ve always thought I want to try it so badly.
In my opinion it is one of the best concept right now.
hope to try it soon and I’ll write you back.
Hope you’ll try it and love it.
I haven’t seen this product in stores yet….gonna check it out the moment I notice it! It looks like a real keeper, especially if it has super awesome hydrating properties!
Yes, it is a real keeper.
OMG!!!! I want to try it NOW <3 The product is looking promising and worth a try but such a shame I've no access of Biotherm products in my country
You can always find it online: http://bit.ly/I7zP58.
I like Biotherm as a company, pricy but good, well worth recommending
i haven’t tried any biotherm products, but i have heard good things about them.
Hope you’ll try some of their products, soon.
this product is is kinda interesting! a little expensive for me though…
It’s not cheap, but it’s worth the money.
The packaging is really nice an sleek. This is something that I def would want to try.
the packaging looks really gorgeous! i wanna try these especially the serum!
Actually, this is just one product – serum and oil in one.
I’ve just nominated your blog for the Sunshine Award!
Thank you!
I haven’t tried any Biotherm products as these are not available in any stores in my country. Would love to try if given a chance though
Yes, I know that. Try online: http://bit.ly/I7zP58
I have heard amazing things about this product and Im happy you used it and talked about it. Serums are my must-have! use them even when I forget to take off my makeup!
Dee T
They are my must-have products, too. This one is amazing!